Heartwarming, modern and creative
Since 20 years now, we are honored to serve homemade dishes with local and fresh products. We are surrounded by our local partners such as Maison Herrscher, Iller, Le Chalutier, Siffert… The different flavors of ice cream are made for you by our artisanal Glacier Alsa. All our plates are made and dressed up to the minute (approximately 20min wait for dishes).

Charcuterie Plate for 2 people : Crusted meat pie, raw Black Forest ham, chorizo, salami
14.50 €
Cheese Plate for 2 people : Munster, Tome d'Alsace, Bargkass, Tête de Moine
14,50 €
Garlic bread duo for 2 people : feta cheese and cherry tomatoes and raw ham and parmesan
10,00 €
Sausage salad
14.00 € (main course : 18.00 €)
Crusted meat pie, with green salad
12.50 €
Poached egg on thin leek and bacon tart, parsley cream
15.00 € (main course : 18,00€)
Hot goat cheese on toasted bread and green salad, nuts, corn, cherry tomatoes
14.50 € (main course : 18,00€)
Main course
Beef flank, vegetables gratin and fries or roigabrageli
- sesame seeds parmesan, arugula salad
- shallots, swiss cheese
27,00 € (gluten free)
Trout sauerkraut cabbage, steamed potatoes
22,00 € (gluten free)
Pan fried sea bream fillet, butternut puree and glazed vegetables, chorizo and mushroom sauce
27,00 € (gluten free)
Veal escalope xith smoked ham and parmesan, cream sauce and mushrooms, vegeatbles gratin and fries or roïgabrageldi
22,00 € (gluten free)
Our Burger with French Fries : French Beef, bargkass, bacon, salad, tomato, onion, gherkin and homemade sauce
19,00 €
Charolais Beef carpaccio, capers, parmesan, arugula and fries
20,00 €
Our Traditions
Chicken thigh in white wine sauce served with Alsatian-style pasta
21,00 €
The gourmet plate: sausage salad, pork pie, munster croutons with gingerbread
20,00 €
Munster cheese casserole with candied onions, potato and mushrooms, salad
20,00 € (gluten free)
Traditionnal Sauerkraut on the “Auberge Alsacienne“Style (Alsatian saussage, smoke saussage, bacon and pork shoulder)
21,00 € (gluten free)
Our cheese
Selection of local cheeses from the Oberlé farm in Stosswihr, with salad
9,00 € (gluten free)
Munster cheese with cummin seeds
5,00 € (gluten free)
Our desserts
Mirabelle plum sorbet and roasted mirabelle plums, whipped cream
9,00 €
Black forest cake with Alsatian kirsch, cherry ice cream
12,00 €
Apple and raisin strudel, vanilla ice cream (10 min wait)
12,00 €
Fruits sorbet flavored with Alsatian Brandy
9,00 €
Flavors : Raspberry, Pear, Lemon, Morello cherry, Mirabelle plum
Coffee served with assorted desserts
13,00 €
Semi-cooked chocolate cake, topping, ice cream cookies
10,00 €
Our menus
Menu du Terroir
Crusted meat pie
Sausage salad
Chicken thigh with Alsatian pasta
Trout sauerkaut cabbage, steamed potatoes
Assortment of Alsace cheeses
Mirabelle sorbet cup
Kid menu
13,00 Euros (under 12)
Chopped steack with cream and Alsace pasta, vegetables
Strasbourg sausage and fries
Trout sauerkraut cabbage, steamed potatoes
Chocolate and vanilla ice with smarties
Chocolate Brownie and pecan